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The Pastoral Programme of the parish defines the broader position of the Parish both as a community and within the community.



Parishioners work together in small groups to assist in the preparation of candidates for the various sacraments. Our existing sacramental programmes provide support for our First Communicants and our Candidates for Confirmation. We are also in the process of developing programmes for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Marriage and for the the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.


At St. Mary's we have Sacramental Programmes in place to provide:

i) preparation for children who are to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession), and support to their parents to help them to fulfil their obligations in the religious development of their child; 

i) preparation for children who are to receive their First Communion; and support to their parents to help them to fulfil their obligations in the religious development of their child; 

ii) guidance and assistance to those young people who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation; and support to their parents to help them to fulfil their obligations in the religious development of their child.


We are in the process of developing Sacramental Programmes for: 

i) The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

ii) Marriage

If you are interested in helping in the work of these Catechist Groups please contact Gerry Fishwick, or any of the named Catechists for an informal discussion. 




There is a strong Ecumenical ethos within the Euxton Christian community, with the three churches (Catholic, Church of England and Methodist) working together on the "Churches Together in Euxton" programme. This programme involves the Churches in common Services, particularly during Lent and at Christmas time, and traditionally saw the whole Christian community undertaking an annual "Walk of Witness" through Euxton on the first Sunday in July. This Walk has now been replaced by an Ecumenical Service.


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